Personality not included : Why companies lose their authenticity--and how great brands get it back

The age of the faceless corporation is over. In the new business era of the twenty first century, great brands and products must evoke a dynamic personality in order to attract passionate customers. Although many organizations hide their personality behind layers of packaged messaging and advertising, social media guru and influencer Rohit Bhargava counters that philosophy and illustrates how successful businesses have redefined themselves in the new customer universe.

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Love the work hate the job Why America's best workers are more unhappy than ever

"With energy, fine reporting, and a sure grasp of the realities of people's working lives, David Kusnet has written one of the most important studies of how people do their jobs since Daniel Bell's Work and Its Discontents

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Why do so many Incompetent men Become Leaders? (And How to fix it)

In this timely and provocative book, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic asks two powerful questions: Why is it so easy for incompetent men to become leaders? And why is it so hard for competent people--especially competent women--to advance?

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Why and How Audits Must Change

Here are the essential steps that accounting firms must take to improve audit quality. The author provides detailed coverage of important topics such as risk-based auditing techniques, analytical procedures, technology, and internal controls

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Markets never forget ( but people do) How your memory is costing you money and why this time isn't different

Sir John Templeton, legendary investor, was famous for saying, "The four most dangerous words in investing are, 'This time it's different.'" He knew that though history doesn't repeat, not exactly, history is an excellent guide for investors.

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The way you do anything is the way you do everything : The why of why your business isn't making more money

Business success is all about mindset, and author Suzanne Evans helps you uncover your goals and blast away the obstacles that are standing in your way

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